Hernia is a medical condition that refers to part of an internal organ protruding through an external muscle. Hernias usually develop in the groin and abdomen area. Having hernia during pregnant doesnot usually pose any immediate threat unless it becomes painful. If it is left untreated however, it may lead to complications that may even be life-threatening. Notify your doctor immediately if you have hernia and get pregnant. It may also be better to attend to hernia before trying to get pregnant.
What are the causes of hernia during pregnancy ?
It occurs at a result of weakened abdominal muscle or muscle that never fully developed. People are usually born with this weekness however other medical conditions may also contribute to it.Hernia during pregnancy is common because hernia occurs due to abdominal pressure , in this case caused by the fetus growing inside the uterus.
Other causes includes
- heavy lifting
- chronic coughing and sneezing
- fluid in the abdomen
- straining during urination and bowel movement
- excess weight
Are there any signs associated with hernia during pregnancy ?
It may be asymptomatic but when symptoms do occur, they include the following :
- a bulge under the skin at the site of the hernia
- feeling of a lump when you lie or press at the site
- dull aching pain which is felt more when you sneeze, cough or laugh intensly
- difficulty moving around as pregnancy progresses
How is hernia treated during pregnancy ?
This condition is diagnosed during pregnancy are usually treated without surgery. Surgery is the only way to fix hernia but this is not recommended during pregnancy unless your and your baby are at risk. Surgery is usually delayed until after several months after the baby is born. In cases where surgery is required, it is usually done during the second trimester.