Cervical mucus serves different purposes depending on which stage of the menstrual cycle you are.When you are not ovulating or approaching ovulation, cervical mucus prevents sperms from getting to the uterus. During ovulation however, it nourishes and protects the sperm as it makes it’s way through the female reproductive tract to meet an egg. The production of cervical mucus is stimulated by the hormone estrogen. The amount and quality of cervical mucus changes throughout the menstrual cycle. It can help you predict your most fertile days of the cycle.
The quality and quantity of cervical mucus throughout your menstrual cycle.
After menstruation : Cervical mucus production is at it’s lowest right after your period. Some women experience dryness at this time. Within the next couple of days, the mucus becomes apparent and may be yellow, cloudy or white in color. It may also be sticky
As ovulation draws closer : As ovulation approaches, your cervical mucus increases in quantity and become more moist. The mucus may have a cream-like color.
During ovulation : In the day preceding ovulation , estrogen level surges which causes an increase in the quantity of cervical mucus. This mucus has the consistency of egg white. It is thin, clear, slippery and stretchy. This type of mucus is an indication that you are in your most fertile stage. It is the perfect medium for sperms in relation to it’s pH and texture.
After ovulation. The quantity of the mucus decreases and becomes thicker.
How to check your cervical mucus .
Ideally checking your cervical mucus should be done daily , if possible every time you go the bathroom. Wash your hands thoroughly and dry them. Insert your middle or index finger into your vagina. Get close to your cervix as much as possible. Remove your finger and examine the consistency and color of the mucus between your hands. This is done by rolling the mucus between your thumb and finger. Then press your fingers together and then slowly move them apart. Record your observation.
You should however note that the quantity and quality of cervical mucus may be affected by the following factors :
- stress
- diet
- hormonal issues
- prescription medication
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