By pregnancy week 33, you will be heavily pregnant, and life would get a lot more uncomfortable for you due to your growing size. However, all that would be overshadowed by the excitement you’d probably have about seeing your baby. You might start feeling a tad bit overheated around this week, but try not to worry about it, take a deep breath and relax. Don’t forget to get a car seat professionally installed for the baby already, just in case there is an early appearance.
How’s the Baby Doing At Pregnancy Week 33 ?
By pregnancy week 33, your baby will almost be the size of a durian, its average weight being 4.2 to 5.8 pounds. The baby will measure somewhere around 17.2 to 18.7 inches and during this week, your baby will grow by a whole inch since it is eager to grow up. The bones of the baby will start hardening and the brain development will also accelerate from this week onward. The baby will start coordinating breathing, sucking and swallowing motions, getting ready for breastfeeding, and will also keep its eyes open when awake.
The Symptoms At Pregnancy Week 33
Here are some of the symptoms you are most likely to experience in the 33rd week of pregnancy in addition to the earlier symptoms that will persist:
• Due to the increase in your metabolic rate, your body will feel overheated.
• You will experience frequent headaches that might be due to dehydration, stress and hormone fluctuations.
• The “baby brain” condition might occur within you where you become clumsy and forgetful. Don’t worry. It will last only until birth.
If there is any shopping for the baby remaining, finish it by this week and also stock up on postpartum supplies. Get the nursery for the baby completed and read up as much as you can on taking care of a newborn. Most importantly, get in touch with a lactation consultant and arrange for them to be available when you need them after birth. Monitor your baby’s movement to determine the activity cycle it is following and try to adjust your own activity patterns accordingly so you can get rest.