This week, you’re entering the eighth month of your pregnancy with less than two months to go. By pregnancy week 32, your baby will be completely ready and the impatient little ones might even decide to make an early appearance around this time in a completely healthy way. Your life is about to take a 360-degree turn any time now. To make things easier for yourself and your baby, start planning for these changes in advance so you can cope with them better without feeling too overwhelmed.
How’s the Baby Doing At Pregnancy Week 32?
By now, your baby will almost be the size of a squash and still in the growing phase, so they will be much bigger in size when they finally arrive. At pregnancy week 32, the baby measures between 15.2 and 16.7 inches on average while the average weight comes up between 2.5 and 3.8 pounds. The baby will more likely shift position in this week as preparation for its arrival, taking the head-down pose. The skin of the baby will also get plumper around this time as it starts building up fat.
The Symptoms At Pregnancy Week 32
The symptoms you are most likely to experience this week include:
• Darker nipples that will allow the baby to see them better at the time of feeding.
• Frequent occurrence of Braxton Hicks contractions, which might be more intense.
• Increase in earlier symptoms such as heartburn, shortness of air and vaginal discharge.
• Enlarged breasts that might start leaking due to excessive lactation.
With the time of delivery nearing, you need to keep in touch with your OB more so schedule two prenatal visits for this month instead of your usual one appointment. Also, talk to your doctor about having some perineal stretching if you are planning to have a vaginal delivery. Also call your insurance company to find out how to get your baby covered under your premium right after birth. Moreover, get in touch with the blood banks and have extra blood arranged, just in case you need it. Avoid putting too much strain on your back, especially when getting up from bed.