What is listeriosis ?


Listeriosis is a serious but rare infection that is caused by the  bacterium Listeria monocytogenes.  This food borne infection can be fatal for pregnant women and people with impaired immune system. Listeria infection is usually contracted through unpasteurized milk and deli meat. You can get listeriosis anytime during pregnancy but it is more common in the third trimester when your immune system is kind of suppressed.


How high is the risk of pregnant women getting listeriosis ?

According to the Center of Disease Control (CDC), it is estimated  that about 1700 people become infected with listeria in the United States. Of this 260 will die. About 17 % of the reported cases occur in pregnant women.


What are the symptoms of Listeriosis ?


Symptoms of listeriosis in pregnant women include :

The infection may spread to the nervous system causing stiff neck, disorientation and convulsion.


What is the effect of listeriosis on my unborn child ?

If you get infected with listeriosis while pregnant, it increases your risk of

  • premature delivery
  • miscarriage
  • severe health problems  in newborn such as meningitis
  • still birth


How is listeriosis treated  during pregnancy ?


It is usually treated with antibiotics which are intended to prevent infection in the fetus and newborn. Newborns with listeriosis are also treated with these antibiotics.


How can I protect my baby from listeriosis ?


Take these precautions to protect your baby

  • eat soft cheese instead of hard cheese
  • avoid unpaturized milk
  • reheat leftovers thoroughly
  • be cautious of deli foods and luncheon meat unless you heat them thoroughly
  • wash all produce thoroughly before eating
  • refrigerate or freeze food promptly
  • maintain the right temperature in your fridge and freezer. Your refrigerator is set between 35 and 40 degrees F and your freezer at or below zero
  • clean fridge often
  • do  not refrigerate smoked sea food unless it is contained in a cooked dish such as casserole
  • clean dishcloth and sponges thoroughly and regularly
  • do not refrigerate pate or meat spread

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