A way for moms to replenish their energy and nutrient stores to make it through the day
Yield: 3 servings
2 tablespoons frozen pineapple juice concentrate, or ½-cup pineapple juice
1 handful strawberries
2 tablespoons coconut cream concentrate***
1 handful soaked almonds*
1 cup plain yogurt
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon organic bee pollen
1 teaspoon green powder**
1 egg, optional (adds extra protein)
1 cup water
1 teaspoon dried mint or 2 sprigs fresh mint
- In a blender, add yogurt, vanilla, chia seeds, pineapple juice concentrate, water, strawberries, and egg.
- Blend until all ingredients mixed thoroughly.
- Next add soaked almonds, bee pollen, green powder, mint and coconut cream concentrate. Blend for 30 seconds. If mixture is too thick, dilute with additional water.
Ingredient Notes
Soaked Almonds
Soaking almonds is a good way to make almonds into little vitamin pills! Soaking increases the B vitamin content drastically, delivering up to 300 times more B vitamins than the original content found in the almond.
To soak almonds, grab a handful of almonds and place them in a small cereal bowl. The almonds must be raw and cannot be roasted or pasteurized. Cooked or heated almonds won’t sprout because they are not raw and their enzymes have been killed.
Add water to cover them thoroughly. Then let them sit at room temperature for about three hours. The almonds will plump up to twice their original size. Rinse and eat. This is a good way to increase the fiber content of your children’s diet, and get them a higher dose of nutrients for the day. Leave a bowl or Ziploc bag of sprouted almonds in the refrigerator for the kids to munch on.
Green Powder**
There are many types of green powders on the market these days – ones with green vegetables, ones with green herbs and ones with a combination of green vegetables and herbs. All of them are good. For example, a green vegetable green powder mix may include broccoli, kale, spinach, swiss chard, and other non-green vegetables. Since the powder is green in color, it’s called a green powder. An herbal combination may include dehydrated alfalfa, barley greens, kelp, wheatgrass juice, spirulina, and other herbs. The herbs are high in nutrients not necessarily found in vegetables and vice versa. The most important criteria for a green powder is how it tastes, since you won’t take it if you don’t like the taste.
Coconut Cream Concentrate**
Coconut cream concentrate is coconut with the consistency of peanut butter. High in medium chain fats that stimulate parts of the metabolism that are not stimulated by other types of fats, coconut is an important fat for your health. It’s also tied to good thyroid health. Coconut cream concentrate is widely available at health food stores and online. Having a jar of it in the refrigerator is an open invitation to the kids to spread it on crackers or bread when they come home from school or need a healthy snack. Even pets love it!
Nutrient Content Per Serving:
5 grams fat
13 grams carbohydrates
8 grams fat
250-300 calories