By pregnancy week 21, you must be showing pretty much, which means if you had the habit of sleeping on your tummy, you won’t be able to do that anymore. You’ll also find yourself waking up more often during the night because now you will start feeling your baby move around, and quite vigorously at that, especially during the night. If you find it too hard to sleep, look for another activity and make up for the lost sleep time in the afternoon, or whenever possible.
How’s the Baby Doing? at Pregnancy Week 21
By pregnancy week 21, your baby will almost be the size of a pomegranate, measuring 10.5 inches in size and weighing 12.7 ounces. The baby is big enough that when it moves, you’ll be able to feel it clearly. If your baby is a girl, she probably has about six million eggs in her womb already developed; that’s the whole lifetime’s supply! The baby will also start developing meconium, which is a sign that their digestive system is preparing for the outside world.
The Symptoms at Pregnancy Week 21
The symptoms you’ll experience during this week include:
• Increased indigestion and heartburn; avoid eating greasy or spicy food.
• Leaking breast; this is because your milk ducts are close to being fully developed.
• Stretch marks, because your skin gets stretched and thin. It’ll also make your skin dry and itchy.
• Braxton Hicks contractions as your uterus prepares for labor.
This week, it’s time to get your glucose screen test scheduled and start with the process of baby registry. You should also start thinking about a baby shower now. The time’s near. Wear comfortable shoes or your feet will give you grief due to swelling. Stay away from cat and their cleaning duty because it puts you at a risk of catching a parasitic disease. And finally, get some baby names sorted out!