At pregnancy week 4, you may still not be aware of your stork’s upcoming visit. However, this is the time when your body is working extraordinarily hard to support your pregnancy. So it’s quite normal to experience some fatigue around this time. If you still haven’t taken an at-home pregnancy test, it’s time to get a kit or two. If the test turns out positive, you can try scheduling a prenatal visit to your doctor but you may have to wait till you’re eight weeks pregnant.

About Your Baby At Pregnancy Week 4


pregnancy week 4

By pregnancy week 4, your baby is typically the size of a poppy seed and is known scientifically as blastocyst. In this week, the cells are still in the process of splitting up, allowing the embryo to start developing further. During the fourth week, the baby’s neural tube and the building blocks of their backbone, brain and spine start developing. Around the embryo, the fluid and the amniotic sac starts forming a protective cushioning.

The Symptoms At Pregnancy Week 4


While pregnancy symptoms might not appear prominently during this week, you can expect signs like:

  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Mild cramping
  • Mood swings
  • Bloating
  • Breast tenderness


What to Do


At this time, your baby is going through a crucial development stage, so you need to consume a good prenatal vitamin that has ample folic acid. By now, you should also get started with a healthy eating plan and try to relax and pamper yourself so that your body can get the well-deserved break it needs. Try to avoid getting overheated as high temperatures can be somewhat risky to the baby during the early weeks of pregnancy.

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