Some parents find that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find time to exercise. With the demands of employment going up, and the time we have with our families going down, it only makes sense that we must find a good way to incorporate exercising with our whole family. Believe it or not, there are several exercise techniques that you can do right at home with your children. It doesn’t have to be a big to do, either. Just taking half an hour a day to help get the blood pumping will make your entire family healthier, and happier.

Yoga stretches

Yoga stretches are great for parents, and for children. As parents, stretching with yoga poses will help sooth your aches and pains from parenting. Being a parent can be back-breaking labor, and yoga stretches can help your back from hurting you as often. It is also very easy for kids to follow the steps of yoga by simply watching you stretch. It is very good for limber little ones, and there is minimal risk of injury while stretching.


Getting outside and playing basketball is a great way to burn calories. It is a fun game for kids, and easy enough for almost anyone to play. You don’t even have to play an official game. Just get out on the court with a ball, and shoot some hoops!


Soccer is great exercise. Your kids will enjoy running around outside kicking the soccer ball, and all you need it a few cones to make a goal. Soccer is a great cardio-vascular exercise, and helps kids gain endurance.

Pushups and sit-ups

Pushups are a great exercise for children. They use only their body weight in exercising their upper body. It also for easy for kids to learn the proper form for doing pushups. Sit-ups are also easier for a limber child than they are for an adult. But, that does not mean that they aren’t good exercise. Teaching kids early on to do a few pushups and sit-ups everyday will help keep them in good shape for the rest of their lives.

Hop scotch

Hop scotch is about as simple a kids’ game as it gets. Not only is it fun to play, but it helps get kids moving, too! Kids can hop for hours if it is part of a game, and they almost always catch on quick. Kids can also learn to count more efficiently while playing hop scotch, at the same time.
Exercising with the kids does not have to be a pain in the rear. Actually, it is more often that it is fun for kids. Turn exercising into a game to get your kids moving, and in turn it will help you burn a few calories. Bring out your inner child, and help your kids stay in shape. Bond with your children, and work on your own health. Exercising with the kids is great for the whole family.
Travis Newville
Breckenridge, Michigan

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